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Version: 1.0


This tutorial will build on your understanding of accounts and resources. You'll learn how to interact with resources using capabilities and entitlements.


In Cadence, resources are a composite type like a struct or a class, but with some special rules:

  • Each instance of a resource can only exist in exactly one location and cannot be copied.
  • Resources must be explicitly moved from one location to another when accessed.
  • Resources also cannot go out of scope at the end of function execution, they must be explicitly stored somewhere or destroyed.


After completing this tutorial, you'll be able to:

  • Interact with resources created using transactions.
  • Write transactions to create capabilities to extend resource access scope from the owner to anyone (public).
  • Write and execute a script that interacts with the resource through the capability.

Use-Cases for Capabilities and Entitlements

Let's look at why you would want to use capabilities and entitlements to expand access to resources in a real-world context. A real user's account and stored objects will contain functions and fields that need varying levels of access scope and privacy.

If you're working on an app that allows users to exchange tokens, you'll want different features available in different use cases. While you definitely want to make a feature like withdrawing tokens from an account only accessible by the owner of the tokens, your app should allow anybody to deposit tokens.

Capabilities and entitlements are what allows for this detailed control of access to owned assets. They allow a user to indicate which of the functionality of their account and owned objects should be accessible to themselves, their trusted friends, and the public.

For example, a user might want to allow a friend of theirs to use some of their money to spend, in this case, they could create an entitled capability that gives the friend access to only this part of their account, instead of having to hand over full control.

Another example is when a user authenticates a trading app for the first time, the trading app could ask the user for a capability object that allows the app to access the trading functionality of a user's account so that the app doesn't need to ask the user for a signature every time it wants to do a trade. The user can choose to empower the app, and that app alone, for this functionality and this functionality alone.

Accessing Resources with Capabilities

As a smart contract developer, you need explicit permission from the owner of an account to access its storage. Capabilities allow an account owner to grant access to specific fields and functions on objects stored in their account.

First, you'll write a transaction in which you'll issue a new capability using the issue function. This capability creates a link to the user's HelloAsset resource object. It then publishes that link to the account's public space, so others can access it.

Next, you'll write a script that anyone can use that link to borrow a reference to the underlying object and call the hello() function.

Creating Capabilities and References to Stored Resources


Continue working with your code from the previous tutorial. Alternately, open a fresh copy here:


If you started with a fresh playground, be sure to deploy the HelloWorld contract with account 0x06 and call the Create Hello transaction, also with 0x06.

Prepare the Account Capabilities


Create a new transaction called Create Link.

Import HelloWorld and stub out a transaction with a prepare phase.


Cadence allows for static analysis of imported contracts. You'll get errors in the transactions and scripts that import HelloWorld from 0x06 if you haven't deployed that contract.


import HelloWorld from 0x06
transaction {
prepare() {


Next, pass an &Account reference into prepare with the capabilities needed to give the transaction the ability to create and publish a capability.


import HelloWorld from 0x06
transaction {
prepare(account: auth(
) &Account) {

The IssueStorageCapabilityController allows the transaction to issue a new capability, which includes storing that capability to the user's account. PublishCapability allows the transaction to publish a capability and make it available to other users - in this case, we'll make it public.

Capability Based Access Control

Capabilities allow the owners of objects to specify what functionality of their private objects is available to others. Think of it kind of like an account's API, if you're familiar with the concept.

The account owner has private objects stored in their storage, like their collectibles or their money, but they might still want others to be able to see what collectibles they have in their account, or they want to allow anyone to access the deposit functionality for a certain asset.

Since these objects are stored in private storage by default, the owner has to authorize something to open up access to these while still retaining full control.

We create capabilities to accomplish this, and the account owner must sign a transaction to issue and publish them.

Every capability has a borrow method, which creates a reference to the object that the capability is linked to. This reference is used to read fields or call methods on the object they reference, as if the owner of the reference had the actual object.

It is important to remember that someone else who has access to a capability cannot move or destroy the object that the capability is linked to! They can only access fields that the owner has explicitly declared in the type specification and authorization-level of the issue method.

Issue the Capability

Capabilities are created with the issue function and can be stored in variables or constants.


Issue a capability to allow access to the instance of the HelloAsset resource the Create Hello transaction saved in /storage/HelloAssetTutorial.

let capability = account


In our example capability, we had the user sign a transaction that gave public access to everything found in the HelloAsset resource!

When you're writing real transactions, follow the principle of giving minimal access. While the capability cannot move or destroy an object, it might be able to mutate data inside of it in a way that the owner does not desire.

For example, if you added a function to allow the owner of the resource to change the greeting message, this code would open that function up to anyone and everyone!

let capability = account

The capability says that whoever borrows a reference from this capability has access to the fields and methods that are specified by the type and entitlements in <>. The specified type has to be a subtype of the type of the object being linked to, meaning that it cannot contain any fields or functions that the linked object doesn't have.

A reference is referred to by the & symbol. Here, the capability references the HelloAsset object, so we specify <&HelloWorld.HelloAsset> as the type, which gives access to everything in the HelloAsset object.

The argument to the issue function is the path to the object in storage that is to be linked to. When a capability is issued, a capability controller is created for it in account.capabilities. This controller allows the creator of the capability to have fine-grained control over the capability.

Capabilities usually link to objects in the /storage/ domain, but can also be created for Account objects. Account capabilities will not be covered in this tutorial.

Publish the Capability

Now that your transaction has created the capability with the issue function and saved it in a constant, you can use the publish function to store the capability in a place where it can be used by anyone.


Use publish function to publish the capability at /public/HelloAssetTutorial.

account.capabilities.publish(capability, at: /public/HelloAssetTutorial)

You should end up with a transaction similar to:


import HelloWorld from 0x06
transaction {
prepare(account: auth(
) &Account) {
let capability = account
.publish(capability, at: /public/HelloAssetTutorial)

Execute the Transaction to Publish the Capability


Ensure account 0x06 is still selected as a transaction signer.

Click the Send button to send the transaction. Then, send it a second time.


This implementation will work the first time and fail the second. The object cannot be saved because something is already at the path.

As you learned in the resources tutorial, Cadence prevents you from writing code that might accidentally overwrite an object in storage, thus mutating or even destroying a piece of your users' digital property.


On your own, refactor your Create Link transaction to elegantly handle a scenario where an object is already stored at /public/HelloAssetTutorial

Using the Capability in a Script

Now that you've published the capability with public access, anyone who wants to can write transactions or scripts that make use of it.


Create a script called GetGreeting. Import HelloWorld and give it public access.


import HelloWorld from 0x06
access(all) fun main(): String {

You'll need a reference to the public account object for the 0x06 account to be able to access public capabilities within it.


Use getAccount to get a reference to account 0x06. Hardcode it for now.

let helloAccount = getAccount(0x06)


Addresses are not strings and thus do not have quotes around them.


Next, borrow the public capability your Create Link transaction saved in /public/HelloAssetTutoral.

Your script should return return helloReference.hello().

You've already borrowed something before. Try to implement this on your own. Hint: this time you're borrowing a capability from the account, not something from storage. Don't forget to handle the case where the object can't be found!

You should end up with a script similar to:


import HelloWorld from 0x06
access(all) fun main(): String {
let helloAccount = getAccount(0x06)
let helloReference = helloAccount
?? panic("Could not borrow a reference to the HelloAsset capability")
return helloReference.hello()


Execute your script.

You'll see "Hello, World!" logged to the console.

Note that scripts don't need any authorization and can only access public information. You've enabled the user to make this capability public through the transaction you wrote and they signed.

At the end of the script execution, the helloReference value is lost, but that is ok because while it references a resource, it isn't the actual resource itself. It's ok to lose it.

Deleting Capabilities


While most apps will need to depend on users storing resource that allow the user to interact with the app, avoid constructing your app logic such that it depends on something in a user's storage for important metadata. They own their storage and can delete anything in it at any time without asking anyone.

For example, if you stored the amount of debt for tokens you'd lent a user as a standalone resource in their account, they could simply delete the storage and erase the debt. Instead, store that metadata in your smart contract.

The owner of an object can effectively revoke capabilities they have created by using the delete method on the Capability Controller that was created for the capability when it was issued.

Additionally, if the referenced object in storage is moved, capabilities that have been created from that storage path are invalidated.

Reviewing Capabilities

This tutorial expanded on the idea of resources in Cadence by expanding access scope to a resource using capabilities and covering more account storage API use-cases.

You deployed a smart contract with a resource, then created a capability to grant access to that resource. With the capability, you used the borrow method in a script to create a reference to the capability. You then used the reference to call the resource's hello() function. This is important because scripts cannot access account storage without using capabilities.

Now that you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Interact with resources created using transactions.
  • Write transactions to create capabilities to extend resource access scope from the owner to anyone (public).
  • Write and execute a script that interacts with the resource through the capability.

You're on the right track to building more complex applications with Cadence. Now is a great time to check out the Cadence Best Practices document, Anti-patterns document, and the first NFT tutorial!