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Fungible Tokens

Some of the most popular contract classes on blockchains today are fungible tokens. These contracts create homogeneous tokens that can be transferred to other users and spent as currency (e.g., ERC-20 on Ethereum).

In traditional software and smart contracts, balances for each user are tracked by a central ledger, such as a dictionary:

contract LedgerToken {
// Tracks every user's balance
access(contract) let balances: {Address: UFix64}
// Transfer tokens from one user to the other
// by updating their balances in the central ledger
fun transfer(from: Address, to: Address, amount: UFix64) {
balances[from] = balances[from] - amount
balances[to] = balances[to] + amount

With Cadence, we use the new resource-oriented paradigm to implement fungible tokens and avoid using a central ledger, because there are inherent problems with using a central ledger that are detailed in [the Fungible Tokens section below].


This tutorial implements a working fungible token, but it has been simplified for educational purposes and is not what you should use in production.

If you've found this tutorial looking for information on how to implement a real token, see the Flow Fungible Token standard for the standard interface and example implementation, and the Fungible Token Developer Guide for a details on creating a production ready version of a Fungible Token contract.

In this tutorial, we're going to deploy, store, and transfer fungible tokens.


After completing this tutorial, you'll be able to:

  • Compare and contrast how tokens are stored in Flow Cadence compared to Ethereum.
  • Utilize the UFix64 type to allow decimals without converting back and forth with 10^18.
  • Implement a vault resource to manage the functionality needed for fungible tokens
  • Use interfaces to enforce the presence of specified functions and fields.
  • Write transactions to transfer tokens safely from one account to another.
  • Develop scripts to read account balances.
  • Use preconditions and postconditions to perform checks before or after a function call completes.

Flow Network Token

In Flow, the native network token (FLOW) is implemented as a normal fungible token smart contract using a smart contract similar to the one you'll build in this tutorial.

There are special transactions and hooks that allow it to be used for transaction execution fees, storage fees, and staking, but besides that, developers and users are able to treat it and use it just like any other token in the network!

Fungible Tokens on Flow

Flow implements fungible tokens differently than other programming languages. As a result:

  • Ownership is decentralized and does not rely on a central ledger
  • Bugs and exploits present less risk for users and less opportunity for attackers
  • There is no risk of integer underflow or overflow
  • Assets cannot be duplicated, and it is very hard for them to be lost, stolen, or destroyed
  • Code can be composable
  • Rules can be immutable
  • Code is not unintentionally made public

Fungible tokens on Ethereum

The example below showcases how Solidity (the smart contract language for the Ethereum Blockchain, among others) implements fungible tokens, with only the code for storage and transferring tokens shown for brevity.


contract ERC20 {
// Maps user addresses to balances, similar to a dictionary in Cadence
mapping (address => uint256) private _balances;
function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) {
// ensure the sender has a valid balance
require(_balances[sender] >= amount);
// subtract the amount from the senders ledger balance
_balances[sender] = _balances[sender] - amount;
// add the amount to the recipient's ledger balance
_balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient] + amount

As you can see, Solidity uses a central ledger system for its fungible tokens. There is one contract that manages the state of the tokens and every time that a user wants to do anything with their tokens, they have to interact with the central ERC20 contract. This contract handles access control for all functionality, implements all of its own correctness checks, and enforces rules for all of its users.

If there's a bug, such as accidentally making the _transfer function public, an attacker can immediately exploit the entire contract and the tokens owned by all users.

Intuiting Ownership with Resources

Instead of using a central ledger system, Flow utilizes a few different concepts to provide better safety, security, and clarity for smart contract developers and users. Primarily, tokens are stored in each user's vault, which is a resource similar to the collection you created to store NFTs in the previous tutorial.

This approach simplifies access control because instead of a central contract having to check the sender of a function call, most function calls happen on resource objects stored in users' accounts, and each user natively has sole control over the resources stored in their accounts.

This approach also helps protect against potential bugs. In a Solidity contract with all the logic and state contained in a central contract, an exploit is likely to affect all users who are involved in the contract.

In Cadence, if there is a bug in the resource logic, an attacker would have to exploit the bug in each token holder's account individually, which is much more complicated and time-consuming than it is in a central ledger system.

Constructing a Vault

Our vault will be a simplified version of the one found in the Flow Fungible Token standard. We'll follow some of the same practices, including using interfaces to standardize the properties of our vault and make it easier for other contracts to interact with it.


Open the starter code for this tutorial in the Flow Playground:

In ExampleToken.cdc, you'll see:


access(all) contract ExampleToken {
access(all) entitlement Withdraw
access(all) let VaultStoragePath: StoragePath
access(all) let VaultPublicPath: PublicPath
init() {
self.VaultStoragePath = /storage/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialVault
self.VaultPublicPath = /public/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialReceiver

Before you can add your vault, you'll need to implement the various pieces it will depend on.

Supply and Balance

The two most basic pieces of information for a fungible token are a method of tracking the balance of a given user, and the total supply for the token. In Cadence, you'll usually want to use UFix64 - a fixed-point number.

Fixed-point numbers are essentially integers with a scale, represented by a decimal point. They make it much easier to work with money-like numbers as compared to endlessly handling conversions to and from the 10^18 representation of a value.


Implement a contract-level fixed-point number to track the totalSupply of the token.

access(all) var totalSupply: UFix64


You'll also need a place to store the balance of any given user's vault. You could simply add a variable in the vault resource definition to do this and it would work just fine.

Instead, let's use this opportunity to create some [interface]s.

In Cadence, interfaces are abstract types used to specify behavior in types that implement the interface. Using them helps compatibility and composability by breaking larger constructions down into standardized parts that can be used by more than one contract for more than one use case. For example, the interface we'll create for Receiver is used by the vault, but it's also something you'd use for any other resource that needs to be able to receive tokens - such as a contract that pools a collection of tokens and splits them between several addresses.

You'll create three interfaces, to handle the three functional areas of the vault:

  • A Balance interface for the balance of tokens stored in the vault
  • A Provider interface that can provide tokens by withdrawing them from the vault
  • A Receiver interface that can safely deposit tokens from one vault into another

First, create a Balance interface, requiring a public UFix64 called balance. It should be public.

access(all) resource interface Balance {
access(all) var balance: UFix64

This one is pretty simple. It just defines the type of variable anything implementing it will need to have to keep track of a token balance.


Next, create the Provider interface. In it, define a withdraw function. It should have the Withdraw access entitlement, accept an argument for amount, and return a Vault resource type. This should also be public.

To prevent an error, stub out the Vault resource as well.

access(all) resource interface Provider {
access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {}
access(all) resource Vault {}

This [interface] will require resources implementing it to have a withdraw function, but it doesn't provide any limitations to how that function works. For example, it could be implemented such that the amount of tokens returned is double the withdrawn amount. While there might be a use case for that effect, it's not what you want for a normal token standard.

You can allow for flexibility, such as allowing a Provider to select randomly from several vaults to determine the payer, while enforcing that the amount withdrawn is appropriate by adding a post condition to the function. Function preconditions and postconditions can be used to restrict the inputs and outputs of a function.

In a postcondition, the special constant result is used to reference the return of the function. They're written following the rules of statements and can contain multiple conditions. Optionally, a : can be added after the last statement, containing an error message to be passed if the postcondition fails.


Add a post condition that returns a descriptive and nicely formatted error if the amount returned in the vault from the function doesn't match the amount passed into the function.

access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
post {
result.balance == amount:
"ExampleToken.Provider.withdraw: Cannot withdraw tokens!"
.concat("The balance of the withdrawn tokens (").concat(result.balance.toString())
.concat(") is not equal to the amount requested to be withdrawn (")

This post condition will be added automatically to the withdraw function in a resource implementing Provider.


Finally, implement an [interface] called Receiver, containing a function called deposit that accepts a Vault.


access(all) resource interface Receiver {
access(all) fun deposit(from: @Vault)

Implementing the Vault

You're finally ready to implement the vault.


Start by declaring a type for a Vault that implements Balance, Provider, and Receiver.

access(all) resource Vault: Balance, Provider, Receiver {

You'll get errors:

resource `ExampleToken.Vault` does not conform to resource interface `ExampleToken.Balance`. `ExampleToken.Vault` is missing definitions for members: Balance

And similar errors for Provider and Receiver. Similar to inheriting from a virtual class in other languages, implementing the interfaces requires you to implement the properties from those interfaces in your resource.


Implement balance. You'll also need to initialize it. Initialize it with the balance passed into the init for the resource itself.

The pattern we're setting up here let's us create vaults and give them a balance in one go. Doing so is useful for several tasks, as creating a temporary Vault to hold a balance during a transaction also creates most of the functionality you need to do complex tasks with that balance.

For example, you might want to set up a conditional transaction that deposits the balance in the vaults in different addresses based on whether or not a part of the transaction is successful.

access(all) var balance: UFix64
init(balance: UFix64) {
self.balance = balance


Next, implement withdraw function. It should contain a precondition that validates that the user actually possesses equal to or greater the number of tokens they are withdrawing.

While this functionality is probably something we'd want in every vault, we can't put the requirement in the [interface], because the interface doesn't have access to the balance.

access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
pre {
self.balance >= amount:
"ExampleToken.Vault.withdraw: Cannot withdraw tokens! "
.concat("The amount requested to be withdrawn (").concat(amount.toString())
.concat(") is greater than the balance of the Vault (")
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return <-create Vault(balance: amount)


Finally, implement the deposit function. Depositing should move the entire balance from the provided vault, and then destroy it.

access(all) fun deposit(from: @Vault) {
self.balance = self.balance + from.balance
destroy from

You must do something with the Vault resource after it's moved into the function. You can destroy it, because it's now empty, and you don't need it anymore.

Vault Creation

We'll need a way to create empty vaults to onboard new users, or to create vaults for a variety of other uses.


Add a function to create an empty Vault.

access(all) fun createEmptyVault(): @Vault {
return <-create Vault(balance: 0.0)

We'll use this when we create a transaction to set up new users.

Error Handling

As before, you can anticipate some of the errors that other developers building transactions and scripts that interact with your contract might encounter. At the very least, it's likely that there will be many instances that an attempt is made to borrow a Vault that is not present, or lacks a capability for the caller to borrow it.


Add a function to generate a helpful error if an attempt to borrow a Vault fails.

access(all) fun vaultNotConfiguredError(address: Address): String {
return "Could not borrow a collection reference to recipient's ExampleToken.Vault"
.concat(" from the path ")
.concat(". Make sure account ")
.concat(" has set up its account ")
.concat("with an ExampleToken Vault.")


Next, you need a way to actually create, or mint, tokens. For this example, we'll define a VaultMinter resource that has the power to mint and airdrop tokens to any address that possesses a vault, or at least something with the Receiver [interface] for this token. Only the owner of this resource will be able to mint tokens.

To do so, we use capability with a reference to the resource or interface we want to require as the type: Capability<&{Receiver}>


Define a public resource with a public function mintTokens that accepts an amount of tokens to mint, and a recipient that must possess the Receiver capability.

access(all) resource VaultMinter {
access(all) fun mintTokens(amount: UFix64, recipient: Capability<&{Receiver}>) {
let recipientRef = recipient.borrow()
?? panic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: recipient.address))
ExampleToken.totalSupply = ExampleToken.totalSupply + UFix64(amount)
recipientRef.deposit(from: <-create Vault(balance: amount))

Final Contract Setup

The last task with the contract is to update the init function in your contract to save yourself a little bit of time and create and create a VaultMinter in your account.


Update the contract init function to create and save an instance of VaultMinter:

.save(<-create VaultMinter(),
to: /storage/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialMinter

After doing all of this, your contract should be similar to:

access(all) contract ExampleToken {
access(all) entitlement Withdraw
access(all) let VaultStoragePath: StoragePath
access(all) let VaultPublicPath: PublicPath
access(all) var totalSupply: UFix64
access(all) resource interface Balance {
access(all) var balance: UFix64
access(all) resource interface Provider {
/// @param amount the amount of tokens to withdraw from the resource
/// @return The Vault with the withdrawn tokens
access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
post {
// `result` refers to the return value
result.balance == amount:
"ExampleToken.Provider.withdraw: Cannot withdraw tokens!"
.concat("The balance of the withdrawn tokens (").concat(result.balance.toString())
.concat(") is not equal to the amount requested to be withdrawn (")
access(all) resource interface Receiver {
/// deposit takes a Vault and deposits it into the implementing resource type
/// @param from the Vault that contains the tokens to deposit
access(all) fun deposit(from: @Vault)
access(all) resource Vault: Balance, Provider, Receiver {
access(all) var balance: UFix64
init(balance: UFix64) {
self.balance = balance
access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
pre {
self.balance >= amount:
"ExampleToken.Vault.withdraw: Cannot withdraw tokens! "
.concat("The amount requested to be withdrawn (").concat(amount.toString())
.concat(") is greater than the balance of the Vault (")
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return <-create Vault(balance: amount)
access(all) fun deposit(from: @Vault) {
self.balance = self.balance + from.balance
destroy from
access(all) fun createEmptyVault(): @Vault {
return <-create Vault(balance: 0.0)
access(all) resource VaultMinter {
access(all) fun mintTokens(amount: UFix64, recipient: Capability<&{Receiver}>) {
let recipientRef = recipient.borrow()
?? panicpanic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: recipient.address))
ExampleToken.totalSupply = ExampleToken.totalSupply + UFix64(amount)
recipientRef.deposit(from: <-create Vault(balance: amount))
access(all) fun vaultNotConfiguredError(address: Address): String {
return "Could not borrow a collection reference to recipient's ExampleToken.Vault"
.concat(" from the path ")
.concat(". Make sure account ")
.concat(" has set up its account ")
.concat("with an ExampleToken Vault.")
init() {
self.VaultStoragePath = /storage/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialVault
self.VaultPublicPath = /public/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialReceiver
self.totalSupply = 30.0
.save(<-create VaultMinter(),
to: /storage/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialMinter

Set Up Account Transaction

We'll now need to create several transactions and scripts to manage interactions with the vault. The first of these is one to set up a user's account. It needs to:

  • Create an empty vault
  • Save that vault in the caller's storage
  • Issue a capability for the vault
  • Publish that capability

You've already learned how to do everything you need for this, so you should be able to implement it on your own.


Implement the Set Up Account transaction.

You should end up with something similar to:

import ExampleToken from 0x06
transaction {
prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue, IssueStorageCapabilityController, PublishCapability, SaveValue) &Account) {
// You may wish to check if a vault already exists here
let vaultA <- ExampleToken.createEmptyVault()
_17<-vaultA, to: ExampleToken.VaultStoragePath)
let receiverCap =<&ExampleToken.Vault>(
signer.capabilities.publish(receiverCap, at: ExampleToken.VaultPublicPath)

Minting Tokens

The next transaction is another one that you should be able to implement on your own. Give it a try, and check the solution if you need to. Your transaction should:

  • Accept an Address for the recipient and an amount
  • Store transaction-level references to the VaultMinter and Receiver
  • Borrow a reference to the VaultMinter in the caller's storage
  • Get the recipient's Receiver capability
  • Use the above to call the mintTokens function in the minter

Implement the Mint Tokens transaction.

You should end up with something similar to:

import ExampleToken from 0x06
transaction(recipient: Address, amount: UFix64) {
let mintingRef: &ExampleToken.VaultMinter
var receiver: Capability<&{ExampleToken.Receiver}>
prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue) &Account) {
self.mintingRef =<&ExampleToken.VaultMinter>(from: /storage/CadenceFungibleTokenTutorialMinter)
?? panic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: recipient))
let recipient = getAccount(recipient)
// Consider further error handling if this fails
self.receiver = recipient.capabilities.get<&{ExampleToken.Receiver}>
execute {
// Mint 30 tokens and deposit them into the recipient's Vault
self.mintingRef.mintTokens(amount: 30.0, recipient: self.receiver)
log("30 tokens minted and deposited to account "


Test out your minting function by attempting to mint tokens to accounts that do and do not have vaults.

Checking Account Balances

You can mint tokens now. Probably. But it's hard to tell if you have a bug without a way to check an accounts balance. You can do this with a script, using techniques you've already learned.


Write a script to check the balance of an address. It should accept an argument for an address. In this script,get and borrow a reference to that address's Vault from the VaultPublicPath, and return a nicely formatted string containing the balance.

You should end up with something similar to:

import ExampleToken from 0x06
fun main(address: Address): String {
let account = getAccount(address)
let accountReceiverRef = account.capabilities.get<&{ExampleToken.Balance}>(ExampleToken.VaultPublicPath)
?? panic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: address))
return("Balance for "
.concat(": ").concat(accountReceiverRef.balance.toString())

Transferring Tokens

Transferring tokens from one account to another takes a little more coordination and a more complex contract. When an account wants to send tokens to a different account, the sending account calls their own withdraw function first, which subtracts tokens from their resource's balance and temporarily creates a new resource object that holds this balance.


Initialize a transaction-level variable to hold a temporary vault. Borrow a reference for the sender's vault with the Withdraw entitlement and send it to the temporary vault.

import ExampleToken from 0x06
transaction(recipient: Address, amount: UFix64) {
var temporaryVault: @ExampleToken.Vault
prepare(signer: auth(BorrowValue) &Account) {
let vaultRef =<auth(ExampleToken.Withdraw) &ExampleToken.Vault>
from: ExampleToken.VaultStoragePath)
?? panic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: signer.address))
self.temporaryVault <- vaultRef.withdraw(amount: amount)

The sending account then gets a reference to the recipients published capability and calls the recipient account's deposit function, which literally moves the resource instance to the other account, adds it to their balance, and then destroys the used resource.


Use the execute phase to deposit the tokens in the temporaryVault into the recipient's vault.

let receiverAccount = getAccount(recipient)
let receiverRef = receiverAccount
?? panic(ExampleToken.vaultNotConfiguredError(address: recipient))
receiverRef.deposit(from: <-self.temporaryVault)
log("Withdraw/Deposit succeeded!")

The resource is destroyed by the deposit function. It needs to be destroyed because Cadence enforces strict rules around resource interactions. A resource can never be left hanging in a piece of code. It either needs to be explicitly destroyed or stored in an account's storage.

This rule ensures that resources, which often represent real value, do not get lost because of a coding error.

You'll notice that the arithmetic operations aren't explicitly protected against overflow or underflow.

self.balance = self.balance - amount

Cadence has built-in overflow and underflow protection, so it is not a risk. We are also using unsigned numbers in this example, so as mentioned earlier, the vault`s balance cannot go below 0.

Additionally, the requirement that an account contains a copy of the token's resource type in its storage ensures that funds cannot be lost by being sent to the wrong address.

If an address doesn't have the correct resource type imported, the transaction will revert, ensuring that transactions sent to the wrong address are not lost.


Every Flow account is initialized with a default Flow Token Vault in order to pay for storage fees and transaction fees. If an address is in use, it will be able to accept Flow tokens, without a user or developer needing to take further action. If that account becomes lost, any tokens inside will be lost as well.

Reviewing Fungible Tokens

In this tutorial, you learned how to create a simplified version of fungible tokens on Flow. You build a vault resource to safely store tokens inside the owner's storage, and used interfaces to define and enforce the properties a vault should have. By using interfaces, your definition is flexible and composable. Other developers can use all or parts of these definitions to build new apps and contracts that are compatible with yours.

You also practiced writing transactions on your own, and learned some new techniques, such as writing error messages more easily, using paths stored in the contract, and separating different parts of the transaction into their appropriate sections - prepare and execute.

Now that you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Compare and contrast how tokens are stored in Flow Cadence compared to Ethereum.
  • Utilize the UFix64 type to allow decimals without converting back and forth with 10^18.
  • Implement a vault resource to manage the functionality needed for fungible tokens
  • Use interfaces to enforce the presence of specified functions and fields.
  • Write transactions to transfer tokens safely from one account to another.
  • Develop scripts to read account balances.
  • Use preconditions and postconditions to perform checks before or after a function call completes.

If you're ready to try your hand at implementing a production-quality token, head over to the Fungible Token Developer Guide.

In the next tutorial, you'll combine the techniques and patterns you've learned for the classic challenge - building an NFT marketplace!