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Version: 1.0

Intermediate NFTs

In the last tutorial, you implemented a simple NFT that users could mint, hold, and trade, but there was a serious flaw - each user could only hold one NFT at a time. In this tutorial, you'll improve your implementation to allow it to be able to grant users multiple NFTs and the tools needed to manage them.


If you're already comfortable with Cadence and have found this page looking for information on how to build production-ready NFTs, check out the [NFT Guide] and [Flow NFT Standard] repository.


After completing this tutorial, you'll be able to:

  • Implement a collection resource that can manage multiple NFTs on behalf of a user.
  • Create an entitlement to limit some functionality of a resource to the owner.
  • Handle errors more elegantly with functions that generate error messages.

Storing Multiple NFTs in a Collection


Open the starter code for this tutorial in the Flow Playground:

This tutorial continues from the last one, but we'll be doing significant refactoring. The provided starter contains the NFT resource, but removes the code and transactions for creating NFTs and capabilities to interact with them. You'll replace those with a more sophisticated approach that will allow collections of NFTs.

It also adds some constants for the paths we'll be using so we don't need to worry about typos as we add them to several transactions and scripts.

As you've likely noticed the setup and operations that we used in the previous tutorial are not very scalable. Users need a way to store multiple NFTs from a collection and tools to manage all of those NFTs from a single place.

Using a dictionary on its own to store our NFTs would solve the problem of having to use different storage paths for each NFT, but it doesn't solve all the problems.

Resources that Own Resources

Instead, we can use a powerful feature of Cadence, resources owning other resources! We'll define a new Collection resource as our NFT storage place to enable more-sophisticated ways to interact with our NFTs. This pattern comes with interesting powers and side effects.

Since the Collection explicitly owns the NFTs in it, the owner could transfer all of the NFTs at once by just transferring the single collection. In addition to allowing easy batch transfers, this means that if a unique NFT wants to own another unique NFT, like a CryptoKitty owning a hat accessory, the Kitty literally stores the hat in its own fields and effectively owns it.

The hat belongs to the CryptoKitty that it is stored in, and the hat can be transferred separately or along with the CryptoKitty that owns it. Cadence is a fully object-oriented language, so ownership is indicated by where an object is stored, not just an entry on a ledger.


When the NFT Collection resource is destroyed with the destroy command, all the resources stored in the dictionary are also destroyed.

NFT Collection


Add a public resource definition called Collection to the IntermediateNFT contract. In it, add a public dictionary called ownedNFTs that maps NFTs to their Uint64 id numbers. Initialize ownedNFTs with an empty dictionary.

access(all) resource Collection {
access(all) var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NFT}
init () {
self.ownedNFTs <- {}


Cadence is an object-oriented language. Inside of a composite type, such as a resource, self refers to the instance of that type and not the contract itself.

Dictionary definitions don't usually have the @ symbol in the type specification, but because the myNFTs mapping stores resources, the whole field must become a resource type. Therefore, you need the @ symbol indicating that ownedNFTs is a resource type.

As a result, all the rules that apply to resources apply to this type.

Utility Functions

It's helpful for a collection to be able to handle some basic operations, such as accepting an NFT into the collection, validating whether or not a token is present, or sharing a list of all token IDs.


Write a function to deposit a token into ownedNFTs:

access(all) fun deposit(token: @NFT) {
self.ownedNFTs[] <-! token


Notice that we're using the <-! force assignment operator to move the token. This will still give a runtime error if the location already has something else stored, but it won't give a typecheck error like the <- move operator would in this instance.


Next, write a function called idExists that returns a Bool - true if the id is present and false if it is not.

Also write a function called getIDs that returns an array of the UInt64 ids of all NFTs found in the collection. Make use of the built-in keys function present on the dictionary type.

access(all) view fun idExists(id: UInt64): Bool {
return self.ownedNFTs[id] != nil
access(all) view fun getIDs(): [UInt64] {
return self.ownedNFTs.keys

Withdrawing NFTs

For the NFT Collection, we will publish a capability to allow anyone to access the utility functions you just created - depositing NFTs into it, verifying if an NFT is in the collection, or getting the ids of all NFTs present. We'll also need functionality to withdraw an NFT and remove it from the collection, but we obviously don't want anyone to be able to do that.

Capability Security

This is where an important layer of access control comes in. Cadence utilizes capability security, which means that for any given object, a user is allowed to access a field or method of that object if they either:

  • Are the owner of the object
  • Have a valid reference to that field or method (note that references can only be created from capabilities, and capabilities can only be created by the owner of the object)

When a user stores their NFT Collection in their account storage, it is by default not available for other users to access because it requires access to the authorized account object (auth(Storage) &Account) which is only accessible by a transaction that the owner authorizes and signs.

To give external accounts access to the access(all) fields and functions, the owner (usually with the help of a developer creating a transaction) creates a link to the object in storage.

This link creates a capability. From there, it could be passed as a parameter to a function for one-time-use, or it could be put in the /public/ domain of the user's account so that anyone can access it.

You've done this already when you've written transactions to issue and publish capabilities.

Using Entitlements

We do not want everyone in the network to be able to call our withdraw function though.

In Cadence, any reference can be freely up-casted or down-casted to any subtype or supertype that the reference conforms to. This means that if you had a reference of the type &ExampleNFT.Collection, this would expose all the access(all) functions on the Collection.

This is a powerful feature that is very useful, but it means if there is any privileged functionality on a resource that has a public capability, then this functionality cannot be access(all).

It needs to use entitlements.

Entitlements enable you to restrict the scope of access at a granular level, with the option to group restrictions under similarly named entitlements. Owners of resources can then use these entitlements to grant access to the subset of actions enabled by the authorized reference.


If you're used to Solidity, you can think of this as being similar to frameworks that enable you to use modifiers to limit some functions to specific addresses with the correct role, such as onlyOwner.


Define an entitlement called Withdraw in your contract, at the contract level.

access(all) entitlement Withdraw

You've now effectively created a type of lock that can only be opened by someone with the right key - or the owner of the property, who always has access natively.


Implement a withdraw function. It should:

  • Only allow access to addresses with the Withdraw entitlement.
  • Accept the id of the NFT to be withdrawn as an argument
  • Return an error if the NFT with that id is not present in the account's ownedNFTs
  • Return the actual token resource

You should end up with something similar to:

access(Withdraw) fun withdraw(withdrawID: UInt64): @NFT {
let token <- self.ownedNFTs.remove(key: withdrawID)
?? panic("Could not withdraw an ExampleNFT.NFT with id="
.concat("Verify that the collection owns the NFT ")
.concat("with the specified ID first before withdrawing it."))
return <-token

Providing an access scope of access(Withdraw) locks this functionality to only the owner that has the resource directly in their storage, or to any address possessing a reference to this resource that has the Withdraw entitlement.

As with other types defined in contracts, these are namespaced to the deployer and contract. The full name of Withdraw would be something like 0x06.IntermediateNFT.Withdraw. More than one contract or account can declare separate and distinct entitlements with the same name.

Issuing an Entitlement

The owner of an object is the only one who can sign a transaction to create an entitled capability or reference.

In the above example, if you wanted to make the withdraw function publicly accessible, you could issue the capability as an entitled capability by specifying all the entitlements in the capability's type specification using the auth keyword:

let cap =<auth(ExampleNFT.Withdraw) &ExampleNFT.Collection>(self.CollectionStoragePath)
self.account.capabilities.publish(cap, at: self.CollectionPublicPath)

Now, anyone could borrow that capability as the entitled version it was issued as:

let entitledCollectionRef = recipient.capabilities
.borrow<auth(ExampleNFT.Withdraw) &ExampleNFT.Collection>(ExampleNFT.CollectionPublicPath)
?? panic("Could not borrow a reference to the ExampleNFT.Collection")
let stolenNFT <- entitledCollectionRef.withdraw(withdrawID: 1)

Later tutorials will cover more nuanced methods for sharing an entitlement.

Error Handling

Thinking ahead, many of the transactions that we might write (or other developers composing on our contracts) will need to borrow a reference to a user's collection. We can make everyone's lives easier by adding a function to help create that error in a nice and consistent manner.


Write a function called collectionNotConfiguredError that accepts an address and returns a descriptive error message that the collection was not found.

access(all) fun collectionNotConfiguredError(address: Address): String {
return "Could not borrow a collection reference to recipient's IntermediateNFT.Collection"
.concat(" from the path ")
.concat(". Make sure account ")
.concat(" has set up its account ")
.concat("with an IntermediateNFT Collection.")

Deploy the Contract


Deploy the IntermediateNFT contract with account 0x06.

Creating Collections

We'll need several transactions to manage our NFT collection. The first is one to allow users to create a collection on their account.


On your own, implement a transaction in CreateCollection.cdc to create and save a Collection in the caller's account and also issue and publish a capability for that collection.

You should end up with something similar to:

import IntermediateNFT from 0x06
transaction {
prepare(account: auth(SaveValue, Capabilities) &Account) {
// You may want to make sure one doesn't exist, but the native error is descriptive as well
let collection <- IntermediateNFT.createEmptyCollection()
_17<-collection, to: IntermediateNFT.CollectionStoragePath)
log("Collection created")
let cap =<&IntermediateNFT.Collection>(IntermediateNFT.CollectionStoragePath)
account.capabilities.publish(cap, at: IntermediateNFT.CollectionPublicPath)
log("Capability created")


Test your transaction by creating Collections for several accounts. Try it with accounts that do and do not have Collections already, and verify that the correct behavior occurs.

Minting an NFT


Next, add a transaction to mint an nft and grant it to the caller. Use the prepare phase to borrow a reference to the caller's Collection and store it in a transaction-level field. Then, use execute to create the nft and use the Collection's deposit function to save it in the Collection.

It's better practice to separate code that accesses accounts and storage to collect authorized references from the code that executes the changes to state.

You can pass arguments, such as the String for the NFT description by defining parameters on the transaction.

Your transaction should be similar to:

import IntermediateNFT from 0x06
transaction(description: String) {
let receiverRef: &IntermediateNFT.Collection
prepare(account: auth(BorrowValue) &Account) {
self.receiverRef = account.capabilities
?? panic(IntermediateNFT.collectionNotConfiguredError(address: account.address))
execute {
let newNFT <- IntermediateNFT.mintNFT(description: description)
self.receiverRef.deposit(token: <-newNFT)
log("NFT Minted and deposited to minter's Collection")


Test your transaction by minting several NFTs for several accounts. Try it with accounts that do and do not have Collections and verify that the correct behavior occurs.

Printing the NFTs Owned by an Account

Remember, you can use scripts to access functionality that doesn't need authorization, such as the function to getIDs for all the NFTs in a Collection.


Write a script to PrintNFTs for the provided address.

You can also pass arguments into the main function in a script.

import IntermediateNFT from 0x06
access(all) fun main(address: Address): [UInt64] {
let nftOwner = getAccount(address)
let capability = nftOwner.capabilities.get<&IntermediateNFT.Collection>(IntermediateNFT.CollectionPublicPath)
let receiverRef = nftOwner.capabilities
?? panic(IntermediateNFT.collectionNotConfiguredError(address: address))
log("Account "
.concat(" NFTs")
return receiverRef.getIDs()

Transferring NFTs

Finally, you'll want to provide a method for users to Transfer NFTs to one another. To do so, you'll need to withdraw the NFT from the owner's Collection and deposit it to the recipient.

This transaction is not bound by the Withdraw capability, because the caller will be the account that has the NFT in storage, which automatically possesses full entitlement to everything in its own storage. It also doesn't need the permission of or a signature from the recipient, because we gave the deposit function access(all) and published a public capability to it.


Start by stubbing out a transaction that accepts a recipientAddress and tokenId. It should have a transaction-level field called transferToken to store the NFT temporarily, between the prepare, and execute phases.

import IntermediateNFT from 0x06
transaction(recipientAddress: Address, tokenId: UInt64) {
let transferToken: @IntermediateNFT.NFT
prepare(account: auth(BorrowValue) &Account) {
execute {


Next, in prepare, get a reference to the sender's Collection and use it to move (<-) the token out of their collection and into transferToken:

let collectionRef =
.borrow<auth(IntermediateNFT.Withdraw) &IntermediateNFT.Collection>(from: IntermediateNFT.CollectionStoragePath)
?? panic(IntermediateNFT.collectionNotConfiguredError(address: account.address))
self.transferToken <- collectionRef.withdraw(withdrawID: tokenId)


Finally, get a public reference to the recipient's account, use that to get a reference to the capability for the recipient's Collection, and use the deposit function to move (<-) the NFT.

let recipient = getAccount(recipientAddress)
let receiverRef = recipient.capabilities
?? panic(IntermediateNFT.collectionNotConfiguredError(address: recipient.address))
receiverRef.deposit(token: <-self.transferToken)
log("NFT ID transferred to account "


Test your transaction by transferring several NFTs for several accounts. Try various combinations, and use the PrintNFTs script to make sure the NFTs move as expected.

Reviewing Intermediate NFTs

In this tutorial, you learned how to expand the functionality of your basic NFT to allow users to create collections of NFTs, then mint and trade those collections. You also learned more about the details of entitlements and how you can use them to protect functionality so that only those who are supposed to be able to access something are able to.

Now that you have completed the tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Implement a collection resource that can manage multiple NFTs on behalf of a user.
  • Create an entitlement to limit some functionality of a resource to the owner.
  • Handle errors more elegantly with functions that generate error messages.

In the next tutorial, you'll learn how to create fungible token collections.